Get Your Holiday On: Beat the Christmas Rush, Order Cards Today!

Posted by Loretta Haskell on

Spend $20 and get 15% off your Holiday cards with discount code HOLIDAYJUMPSTART Search “Holiday” to explore our collection!

*Offer expires November 15, 2018. Discount applies after a purchase of $20 or more of Holiday single cards and/or box sets. Limit one per customer.

Guess what’s coming? (Yes, yes, Game of Thrones, winter is coming...)

But more excitingly, the HOLIDAYS are coming!

I love the holidays. Spending time with my family, eating until we simply roll away from the table, and enjoying all that wonderful Chicago snow makes the holiday season worth embracing. No matter how old I am, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of brightly colored lights and the whimsical smell of pine.

The best part of the holidays—getting the opportunity to tell the people I love that they’re awesome, and I appreciate all the little things they do.

The holidays are what we make them. Or is it what we bake? Let’s bake cookies & be merry!

My Grandma Loretta was legendary for her cookies. So many tins and trays full of kolaches, thumbprints, butter cookies,...and those magical cookies with the chocolate kisses. Yum!

On Christmas morning we’d all feast on kielbasa and cherry-cheese kringle, then suffer indigestion until dinner time, when we’d joyously eat until too full to even wiggle off the seat.

We’d laugh, drink Manhattans, and one memorable Christmas there was a 7 UP box that ended up on everyone’s head, including the baby’s.

Christmas has changed since Grandma past away, but we’re finding new ways to be together, celebrate the past, and create something exciting (and goofy) for the future generations to remember.

My family loves being together, and we love to party. We are in no shortage of happy memories.

Snow, fog, palm trees, mountains or oceans—no matter where we are, we can share the love.

Since moving to California, it’s been harder to connect with family and friends back home in Chicago. Time zones, baby schedules, work, and adult life make luxurious phone calls, impromptu tea and cookie visits, and FaceTime tours tricky.

These little things get in all our ways, so how do we make the holidays extra special with so much distance?

We want our family and friends to know we care, that we’re thinking of them even when the busyness keeps it from being said as often as it should.

The best way to brighten anyone’s day, especially during the holidays when we can be feeling a little more alone or deprived of proper sunlight, is with a card.

It lets us be nostalgic, whimsical, and full of gushing admiration for our lovelies, even when we can’t be together.

Hugs for the holidays,


From around the net, we’re excited about Yellow Owl Workshop!



Yellow Owl Workshop is the creative brainchild of Christine Schmidt. Based in San Francisco’s Mission District and focused on finding the art between whimsy, spunk, and eco-friendly materials, Yellow Owl is abundant with perfect giftables for the holidays. From quirky earrings and socks, to fun greeting cards and crafting sets, there’s an enchanting gift here for everyone on your list!

A little extra something to think about…

The holidays can be a difficult time. We’re thinking about the past, we’re separated from our families, we’re in a funk from a lack of sun. There can be a lot of reasons for feeling a little less like ourselves during this time of year.

Take a moment each day to think about the good stuff, like the coziness of a favorite blanket or a pleasant phone call with an old friend. Allow yourself a small treat, like a warm cup of chai. Give yourself a hug, or ask a friend for a hug.

It’s ok to get down. We all do from time to time, but always remember that you’re not alone, and you are loved.

Nothing hard lasts forever, and after the storm, Spring will be here.

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